2022. What a year! I started my year as President with my eyes wide from the excitement of what was to come and with my schedule full of the goals I hoped to accomplish. I now end the year with extreme appreciation for the San Diego FBA Board of Directors for its tireless work, the United States District Court for the Southern District of California for its continued support, the San Diego FBA Advisory Board for its guidance, our speakers for their expertise and volunteered time, and the San Diego FBA members for making our efforts meaningful and making the federal community special.
At the beginning of the year, I highlighted a few of the San Diego FBA’s priorities in 2022. I’m happy to say that the San Diego FBA Board successfully completed each project and more! The San Diego Federal Bar Foundation, a 501(c)(3), has been establish and is operating, and we hosted the inaugural Federal Bar Charity Golf Tournament in September, raising over $30,000 for two very worthy causes. I would further like to recognize and thank the San Diego FBA Board members for the following organizational achievements in 2022:
Hosting over 40 speaker panels and events for the federal community, including the Annual Conference, the Judith N. Keep Seminar, the State of the District, and many Courtroom Conversations. Thank you, VP of Legal Education Kim Gregg, VP of Professional Engagement Courtney Strange, Chair of Special Events Janet Cabral, and other Board members.
Weekly social media posts on Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, and Facebook (@sandiegofba on all platforms) informing over 1,100 new followers about San Diego FBA events and activities as well as federal community developments. Thank you, VP of Professional Engagement Jenn French.
60% increase in San Diego FBA membership with over 200 new members joining. Thank you, VP of Membership Joe Goodman and the entire FBA community for making the San Diego FBA a fun, educational organization with many leadership opportunities.
Monthly updates, including Member Spotlights and other feature articles, that informed San Diego FBA members of all the monthly news, including the upcoming events. Thank you, VP of Public Relations Blake Currey.
Standing up the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee with representation from most of the San Diego affinity bar organizations. Thank you, Co-Chairs Sanjay Bhandari and Ben Cheeks.
Over 220% increase in our sponsorship income commitments. Thank you, VP of Fundraising Hector Tamayo.
Working on forming Law School Chapters at each of our local law schools. Thank you, VP of Community Outreach Ben Cheeks.
Thank you also to Immediate Past President Rebecca Church for your continued guidance and the organizational foundation that you established, Secretary Megan Rossi for keeping the San Diego FBA organized and running smoothly, and President-Elect Mary Cile Glover‑Rogers for helping with every aspect of the San Diego FBA this year. I look forward to the San Diego FBA’s continued success under the leadership of 2023 San Diego FBA President Mary Cile Glover-Rogers.
Thank you for allowing me to serve as the San Diego FBA President this year. It has been an honor.
Dylan M. Aste
President, San Diego FBA