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FBA National President’s Message on the Rule of Law and Afghanistan

Writer's picture: FBA, San Diego ChapterFBA, San Diego Chapter

W. West Allen, Federal Bar Association National President

The Rule of Law is a rampart against despotism and a safeguard of a just liberty. It is the very means by which freedom, prosperity, and happiness are possible within societies and under ordained governments. This consummate constitutional principle, when honored, protects the weak from tyranny and guarantees the essential human rights possessed by every citizen. It ennobles a nation and its people.

The Federal Bar Association joins the National Association of Women Judges, the International Association of Women Judges, and other legal organizations in expressing grave concern for the basic human rights of women and girls in Afghanistan. We exhort the Department of State, in particular, to assist the hundreds of women serving as judges and leaders within the Afghan nation and their families in facilitating travel, processing visas, and providing a safe exodus from their country as necessary. We honor citizens of every nation courageously engaged in the work of establishing the Rule of Law, the keystone to a free and democratic state.

The U.S. Constitution and its enduring principles are the standard raised to the world to protect the rights, privileges, and life of all. It is an ensign of hope and freedom to the world. We honor and stand in support of those among every nation who seek liberty in the face of tyranny. We call upon leaders among all nations to safeguard the innocent, especially women and children, in the eternal pursuit of justice and freedom.

The Federal Bar Association is the preeminent legal organization of nearly 18,000 federal lawyers and judges dedicated to improving our federal legal system and the administration of justice by serving the federal legal practitioner, both public and private, the federal judiciary and the public they serve. We encourage greater awareness and understanding of the U.S. Constitution and its fundamental principles on a nonpartisan basis through civics and legal education. Further information regarding these important fundamental governing principles is available at and here.

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