San Diego FBA February Update
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Trivia: Who was the first European explorer to set foot on the West Coast?
Judicial Profile: James E. Simmons Jr.

Judge James E. Simmons Jr., the newest district judge in the Southern District of California, was confirmed to the bench on March 9, 2023. A life-long Californian, Judge Simmons has dedicated his life to public service, and his addition to the Federal Bench follows a distinguished legal career. Read more about Judge Simmons here.
Upcoming San Diego FBA Events
Thursday, March 7 from 5 to 7 p.m.
Dinsmore & Shohl LLP
We cordially invite all FBA members to our first membership-wide mixer of 2023 hosted at the Dinsmore's downtown San Diego office. We are excited to connect with you!
Not yet a member? Now is the perfect time to join or renew your membership.
Cost: Free, but please RSVP
Location: 655 W Broadway, Suite 800, San Diego, CA 92101
Tuesday-Thursday, March 12-14
Locations vary
Join the San Diego FBA on March 12 to 14, as we co-sponsor the 6th Annual Class Action Law Forum held in collaboration with University of San Diego School of Law and Western Alliance Bank.
San Diego FBA members are eligible for a 50% discount on registration fees. Please contact us for the code.

Wednesday, March 13 from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m.
Virtual - via Zoom
Join San Diego County Bar Association and San Diego FBA as Jessie McGrath and Mia Yamamoto share what it is like to be a trans person in 2024. Learn a bit of the history of trans people, how trans people spent many years in the throes of the fight for recognition, and the current legislative efforts, in state houses across America and the world, to strip trans people of their rights to receive gender affirming care and to live as their gender.
Cost: Free
Location: Virtual Program via Zoom
MCLE: 1 Hour Elimination of Implicit Bias CLE Credit
Nominate Chapter members for our three awards: (1) the Outstanding Advocate Award; (2) the Distinguished Service Award; and (3) the Rising Attorney Award. Nominations are now due by April 26 via email to Read more about our Chapter awards, nomination requirements, and submission guidelines.
Did You Know? The Point Loma Lighthouse was lit for the first time on November 15, 1855, and stood watch over the entrance to San Diego Bay for 36 years.
Community & National Updates:
High school students in San Diego and Imperial Counties are invited to submit an essay and/or video to address this year's prompt: 70 Years Later—The Legacy of Brown v. Board of Education. In addressing the theme, students are asked to discuss what impact they think Brown has had and why. Submissions are due on March 8. For more information, including Contest Rules, visit the Southern District of California's Community Outreach page.
The San Diego Bankruptcy Forum will host a retirement reception for the Honorable Margaret M. Mann on March 14 from 5 to 8 p.m. at Provisional Kitchen at the Pendry, 425 Fifth Avenue in San Diego. Register here or sponsor the event.
San Diego FBA is assisting the District Court conduct a performance review of Magistrate Judge Daniel E. Butcher by soliciting feedback on the efficiency, effectiveness, and quality of Judge Butcher's work and that of his staff.
Answer: Juan Rodriguez Cabrillo led the first European expedition that explored what is now the west coast of the United States in 1542.
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