San Diego FBA August Update
Connect with Us:
Trivia: What comedy-drama film released in 2000 won the Academy Award for Best Original Screenplay and opened with shots of Newport Avenue in Ocean Beach?
Member Spotlight:

Jon Cieslak is an antitrust and competition law Partner at Bona Law. At a high-level, he describes his antitrust practice as helping companies that have been accused of—or victimized by—anticompetitive business conduct. FBA Member Josh Dutton shares that this, however, is just the tip of what Mr. Cieslak's federal-focused practice entails.
Upcoming San Diego FBA Events:
August 18, 12:30 to 5:30 p.m.
Join us for this great oportunity to meet fellow attorneys, especially those who recently joined federal practice. Featuring judges and practitioners, this seminar is geared toward newer federal attorneys and those interested in learning more about federal practice.
12:30-1:30: District Court Panel - Chief District Judge Dana Sabraw, Presiding Magistrate Judge Wiliam Gallo, Clerk of Court John Morrill
1:30-2:00: Judicial Law Clerk Panel
2:00-2:30: Federal Legal Community: Lawyer Representatives & FBA
2:30-3:00: Federal Attorney Mixer
3:00-4:00: Jurisdiction & Venue - Prof. James T. Wagstaffe, Esq.*
4:00-4:30: Criminal & Civil Practitioners Panel
4:30-5:30: Hosted Reception (appetizers and beverages)
Cost: Free Location: Jury Assembly Room | Cater-Keep U.S. Courthouse
MCLE: *1.0 hour of General Credit
August 24, 12:00 to 1:00 p.m.
Attorneys on the Southern District's Pro Bono Panel are typically appointed to represent pro se litigants in civil rights cases where summary judgment has been denied and trial is anticipated. Come learn more about how to join the Pro Bono Panel and do good in the legal community.
Hon. Anthony J. Battaglia - U.S. District Judge
Karen Beretsky - Supervisory Law Clerk & Pro Bono Panel Administrator
Joe J. Villaseñor - Pro Bono Panel Attorney
Amber Eck - Pro Bono Panel Attorney
Cost: Free Location: Schwartz Courthouse Courtroom 4A
MCLE: 0.5 hours of General Credit
August 25, 12:00 to 1:00 p.m.
Zoom Webinar
Come learn about opportunities for pro bono service in the San Diego Community involving supporting survivors of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, and stalking.
Panelists Hon. Victor N. Pippins - San Diego Superior Court Judge
Dr. Ramona Probasco - Author, Healing Well and Living Free from an Abusive Relationship
Bhavani Peesapati-Madero - Staff Attorney, SDVLP
Jenn French - Patterson Law Group, SDVLP Volunteer Attorney
Mitzi Miranda - Latham & Watkins, SDVLP Volunteer Attorney
Moderator: Hon. Cynthia Bashant - U.S. District Court Judge
Cost: Free
MCLE: 1.0 hour of General Credit
August 31, 12:00 to 1:00 p.m.
During the Courtroom Conversation, attendees will have the opportunity to network and connect with Judge Montenegro and colleagues during the first 30 minutes of the program. During the remaining 30 minutes of the program, Judge Montenegro will discuss her path to the federal bench, her transition from magistrate to district judge, and practice pointers.
Cost: Free Location: Schwartz Courthouse Courtroom 5B
MCLE: 0.5 hours of General Credit
September 29, 1:00 to 6:00 p.m.
Together with the Southern District, we are pleased to present the Eighteenth Annual Judith N. Keep Federal Practice Seminar. This year’s seminar will feature welcome remarks from Ninth Circuit Chief Judge Mary H. Murguia and panel presentations by District Judges and Magistrate Judges. The panels will focus on various aspects of pretrial and trial practice, including class certifications, jury selection, opening and closing statements, and more!
Cost: Free Location: Westin Gaslamp Quarter
MCLE: 4.0 hours of General Credit
September 19
Lomas Santa Fe Country Club
The San Diego Federal Bar Foundation's Charity Golf Tournament and Dinner Celebration will tee off on September 19. Not a golfer? Not a problem. You can still join us for a special dinner event celebrating our event beneficiaries. Registration is open now.
Did You Know? The Imperial Sand Dunes in Imperial County are the largest mass of sand dunes in California and reach 300 feet above the desert floor.
DE&I Committee Announcements
DE&I Survey
San Diego FBA members received an email with a voluntary survey to gather membership data. We will be using this data to help fulfill our mission and to help assess our efforts to promote diversity, equity, and inclusion between our members and the community. If you have not done so, please consider completing the survey by the end of today.
Accessibility Policy
As part of its DE&I Plan, the San Diego FBA adopted an Accessibility Policy providing the Chapter will make all reasonable modifications to policies and programs to ensure that people with disabilities have an equal opportunity to enjoy all of its programs, services, and activities.
Community and National Updates:
The President nominated U.S. Magistrate Judge Andrew G. Schopler and San Diego Superior Court Judge James Edward Simmons, Jr. to fill two of the three open seats in the District.
The FBA's national magazine, The Federal Lawyer, is seeking articles for its upcoming immigration law issue. Articles are due by September 1 and submission guidelines can be found here.
FBA National shares updates on judicial nominations and court funding.
This August 24 webinar will give the audience a better understanding of copyright opportunities for visual artists in the Web 3 era, including an overall understanding of Blockchain technology for this trend.
Answer: Almost Famous.
Do you have an idea for an event or another suggestion? We want to hear from you. Contact us.