As we move into summer, our community begins to return to in-person events and so, too, is the San Diego Chapter. We hope you will join us this month in person for one of our signature events: Introduction to Federal Court. We hope you will also save the date for the Chapter's Annual Conference on July 22, 2021,which is themed: "Diversity Toolkit: A Roadmap for Enhancing Equality."
At the Annual Conference, the San Diego Chapter will proudly present its new awards announced last month: (1) the Outstanding Trial Attorney of the Year Award; (2) the Distinguished Service Award; and (3) the Rising Attorney Award. Nominations must be received by June 25, 2021, and we are eager to recognize outstanding FBA members for their excellence and dedication.
Last month, the Chapter participated in Capitol Hill Day 2021, the FBA's premier advocacy event. Chapter members Dylan M. Aste, Jenn French, Mary Cile Glover-Rogers, Alessandra P. Serano, and Sue Anna Yeh met virtually with members of Congress and their staff to represent the FBA’s interests as they relate to the Southern District of California. Thank you to our members for working to improve the administration of justice. You can read the FBA's latest updates on public policy and advocacy developments here.
Member Spotlight:

As Partner-in-Charge of Jones Day's San Diego Office, Steve Geise focuses on supporting every one of his colleagues and recruiting talented attorneys. He also leads award-winning trial teams. Chapter Member Josh Dutton shares that Mr. Geise's keys to success include becoming the go-to person as a source of knowledge for your trial team and surrounding yourself with exceptional people who can handle different tasks.
We hope to see you at these
FBA, San Diego Chapter events:
June 16, 2021, from 12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m.
During the Virtual Brown Bag, Magistrate Judge Dembin will discuss practice pointers for civil and criminal cases, his path to the federal bench, and his chambers rules and procedures.
Cost: Free
Zoom Webinar MCLE: 1.0 hour of General MCLE Credit
June 24, 2021, from 1:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.
James M. Carter & Judith N. Keep U.S. Courthouse
Jury Assembly Room
This informative seminar is geared toward newly admitted attorneys and those who are interested in learning more about practicing in federal court. The event will feature panel presentations by judges, the Clerk of the Court, educators, and practitioners regarding federal jurisdiction and venue, criminal and civil practice, and community involvement. Registration is limited to only FBA members until June 11, 2021, and then will be open to the public if spaces are available. All attendees will be required to follow the Court's safety precautions.
Cost: Free
Place: In Person, Jury Assembly Room
MCLE: 3.0 hours of General MCLE Credit
Priority Registration for FBA Members until June 11, 2021
July 15, 2021, from 12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m.
We are pleased to welcome the esteemed educator, litigator, and legal scholar Erwin Chemerinsky, who will deliver an analysis of the 2020-21 United States Supreme Court term. Dean Chemerinsky is the Dean of Berkeley Law, where he serves as the Jesse H. Choper Distinguished Professor of Law.
Cost: Free for FBA members & $10 for Non-FBA Members
Zoom Webinar MCLE: 1.0 hour of General MCLE Credit
Save the date for this in-person event:
Annual Conference
Diversity Toolkit:
A Roadmap for Enhancing Equality
July 22, 2021, from 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
The San Diego Chapter's Annual Conference will feature presentations focused on giving practitioners a toolkit of strategies to work toward greater diversity, equality, and inclusion. An outdoor cocktail reception will follow, at which the Chapter will present its new awards.
Keynote Speaker: Prof. Bertrall Ross
Member of the Bipartisan Presidential Commission on the Supreme Court of the United States
UC Berkeley School of Law
University of Virginia School of Law
We hope to see you at this virtual co-sponsored local event:
June 9, 2021, from 12:00 p.m. to 1:30 p.m.
Presented by the San Diego County Bar Association and Tom Homann LGBT Law Association, this program will focus on gaining cultural competence in LBGTQ+ legal issues, including by understanding inclusive language and issues impacting the community.
Member and community involvement:
In the May/June issue of The Federal Lawyer, the FBA's national magazine, Chapter member Sara Gold examines whether the jurisprudential and legislative history behind fair use in copyright law supports its treatment as an affirmative defense to infringement.
The Federal Lawyer is seeking submissions for an upcoming edition themed around constitutional law. Authors can review the Writer's Guidelines here and are invited to submit articles no later than July 14, 2021.
When the Court adopted its Plan for the Representation of Pro Se Litigants in Civil Cases, the Court partnered with the San Diego Chapter and representatives from the local bar to form a panel of law firms and attorneys qualified and willing to accept pro bono appointments. The Court is now soliciting applications for new law firms and attorneys to serve on the Pro Bono Panel. Appointments are typically made when a trial is anticipated, and the Court's Pro Bono Fund will reimburse necessary out-of-pocket expenses.
Our Sponsor: