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Seventh Annual Ethics, Competence, and Elimination of Bias All-Day MCLE Event

Writer's picture: FBA, San Diego ChapterFBA, San Diego Chapter

On January 26, 2021, the FBA San Diego Chapter held its Seventh Annual Ethics, Competence, and Elimination of Bias All-Day MCLE Event. The event featured six webinars.

Competence in the Era of COVID-19 (Ethics)

Presented by the San Diego County Bar Association's Legal Ethics Committee

Panelists: Charles Berwanger, Michael Crowley, and Edward McIntyre

MCLE Credit: 1 Hour Ethics

This program addressed competency in the COVID-19 era, including protecting clients’ electronically stored information from disclosure and maintaining confidentiality while communicating with clients remotely. It is available on demand here.

Honesty to Others in Private and Public (Ethics)

Presented by the San Diego County Bar Association's Legal Ethics Committee

Panelists: David Carr, Rick Hendlin, and Gary Schons

MCLE Credit: 1 Hour Ethics

This program discussed California Rule of Professional Conduct 4.1 in various contexts, including the interplay between the First Amendment and political speech. It is available on demand here.

Lawyers, Substance Abuse Disorders and Wellbeing (Competency)

Presented by The Other Bar

Panelist: Greg Dorst

MCLE Credit: 1 Hour Competency

This program discussed an attorney’s obligation to provide legal services with competence, how substance abuse affects an attorney’s competence, and tools and resources to promote wellbeing. It is available on demand here.

Duty to Uphold the Constitution and Laws and the Lawyer's Oath (Ethics)

Presented by the San Diego County Bar Association's Legal Ethics Committee

Panelists: Alara Chilton, Edward McIntyre, Jeff Michalowski, and Deborah Wolfe

MCLE Credit: 1 Hour Ethics

This program discussed the lawyer’s oath and duty to support the Constitution and laws of the United States, and the responsibility of making truthful statements under the new 2018 Rules of Professional Conduct. It is available on demand here.

Remote Practice in the COVID-19 Era (Ethics)

Presented by the San Diego County Bar Association's Legal Ethics Committee

Panelists: Timothy Casey, Eric Deitz, Wendy Patrick, and Irean Zhang

MCLE Credit: 1 Hour Ethics

This program discussed ethical obligations when lawyering in difficult times, the interplay between civility and ethics, and how the Rules of Professional Conduct apply in the COVID-19 era. It is available on demand here.

Did You Just Say That? Recognizing and Interrupting Microaggressions (Elimination of Bias)

Panelist: Carolina Bravo-Karimi

MCLE Credit: 1 Hour Elimination of Bias

This program discussed how unconscious biases may lead to microaggressions, how to recognize microaggressions, why microaggressions are harmful, and how to interrupt microaggressions. It is available on demand here.

The San Diego Chapter thanks Mary Cile Glover-Rogers, Vice President of Legal Education, for organizing this all-day event.

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